Inside each cell of the human body, there are many parts working together to maintain the status of health. Scientists have discovered that the human body emits infrared light, which is not visible to the naked eye. This light is essential to all forms of communication and cellular processes in the body. The human body is made up of networks of light that travel through fascia, the connective tissue in the body, based on positive and negative electrical charges.
Cellular light is stored within the water inside of the body’s cells.1 Based on the state of health in one’s body, cells change the wavelength and intensity of light they emit. When cells are stressed, they give off bursts of light particles and become more positively charged. Light and electrical charges are just some of the many ways cells communicate to maintain normal function.2
Very small particles of light are known as photons. When photons are inside the body, the term biophotons is used, since the prefix bio- means living. This essentially means light within in a living body.
There are many places in the body where light is stored and ultimately used to support cellular function. Some of which are the mitochondria (cellular energy factories inside of cells), red blood cells, fascial networks, cellular water (also known as cytoplasm), and our DNA.2
Scientists have found the amount of light emitted by cells to be equivalent to a candle burning twelve miles away. In Germany, physicists have developed cameras to capture the biophotons given off by cells. The total amount of light given off by a living being is termed the biofield. This field of light surrounding the body is not unlike the electrical field that is given off by the electrical charge of our cells. Cellular light and electrical charge in the body are the foundations of how our bodies coordinate the many functions necessary to maintain optimal health.
Inside of the body’s blood vessels, red blood cells carry the very small particles of light known as biophotons in hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from tissues. Through the movement of red blood cells throughout the body, biophotons are distributed to tissues to help cells produce energy and support cellular reactions.3
Many of the body’s cells contain hundreds to thousands of tiny energy factories, known as mitochondria. Inside the mitochondria cellular reactions take place. Light is transported through cell membranes, where it binds to proteins in the mitochondria and actively participates in the production of energy.3
Electrical charges in the body, both positive and negative, bind to cellular light. This occurs through multiple interactions between the molecules and allows light and other chemicals to move throughout the body. Everything in the body vibrates in relation to the electrical charge it gives off. Atoms, which make up all things on earth are in a constant state of movement. This state of movement correlates with the electrical charge of every object on the planet. Just as cells have electrical charges, so do all the things around us.
Cellular Photonics, developed by Dr. Miranda Hill, is a form of cellular light and frequency analysis that includes aspects of applied kinesiology. During Telemedicine appointments, the frequency of the patient's voice is captured in water and then analyzed by Dr. Miranda. Cellular light analysis occurs during in-person visits, along with the evaluation of cellular frequencies. Telemedicine and in-person visits are both effective options for Cellular Photonics testing.
During appointments, Dr. Miranda utilizes electromagnetic imprinted vials/CDs and pol filters to identify cellular stressors, toxins, infections, deficiencies, and imbalances causing dysfunction within the body. With the information gathered during appointments, Dr. Miranda is able to tailor treatments to address the root causes of patient’s symptoms, which may include supplements, medications, biofeedback, ozone, injections, IV therapy, PEMF therapy, low level laser, the BioLight, etc.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Miranda here to begin your wellness journey.