Over the last decade gluten has become one of the most common food intolerances world wide. Gluten is a protein, found in many grains, including wheat, barley, rye, etc. Many individuals develop gluten sensitivity over time. Gluten sensitivity is different from a true allergy, and usually involves delayed symptoms after exposure. The process by which gluten sensitivity occurs is related to the state of the immune system, the total toxic load in the body, chronic infections, and gut permeability.
Gluten is a protein composed of prolamin and glutelin. These proteins are dense and sticky. Hundreds of years ago, wheat contained five times less gluten than it does today. The combination of increased gluten content and the use of pesticides on our food has set the stage for shifts in the immune system and hyperreactivity. Many modern day strains of wheat have been chemically hybridized. This is different from genetically modified organisms, as there is no foreign DNA inserted into the plant genome. Clearfield Wheat is a strain of wheat that has been genetically altered using the toxic chemical sodium azide. Sodium azide is an extremely volatile substance that is explosive and is known to cause cancer. Clearfield Wheat is commonly grown throughout the United States.
Due to many factors in the environment, including the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides, immune tolerance within the body shifts. The body becomes reactive to certain proteins, such as gluten, when toxins interfere with cell signaling and the normal function of the immune system. When the immune system shifts into a reactive state, food sensitivities develop.
Ancient strains of wheat, such as einkorn, naturally contain less gluten. Einkorn wheat is not commonly used in the United States because high amounts of gluten are favored in food manufacturing. Many strains of wheat have been cross bred to increase the gluten content of the grain. Cross breeding crops is different from chemical hybridization and does not involve the use of toxic chemicals. Modern strains of wheat that have not been chemically hybridized produce less inflammation in the body compared to those that have been chemically hybridized. This is one of the reasons people can travel to Europe and eat gluten without developing adverse symptoms. In the United States, certified organic products are not allowed to contain ingredients that have been chemically hybridized and is the best way to avoid Clearfield Wheat.
Treating food sensitivities involves balancing the immune system while treating underlying root causes. The symptoms of gluten intolerance vary depending on the total toxic load in the body and the status of the immune system. Common symptoms of gluten intolerance include adverse symptoms after eating gluten, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, weight gain, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, and/or skin conditions. Depending on the severity of the gluten intolerance, additional symptoms may continue to present over time. Most people can add gluten back into their diet when the underlying root causes and imbalances are addressed.
Dr. Miranda Hill works with patients to identify food sensitivities and the underlying causes. With individualized treatment, food sensitivities resolve and patients are able to enjoy a diverse diet without symptoms. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Miranda Hill here.