The following is a list of heavy metals and possible sources. During appointments, Dr. Miranda will assess if heavy metals are a factor needing to be addressed.
Heavy metals can lead to chronic pain, arthritis, hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease, lung conditions, pancreatic dysfunction, immune suppression, food sensitivities, anxiety, depression, brain fog, decreased memory, Alzheimer's, dementia, poor vision, seizures, POTs, and many other conditions.
Dr. Miranda specializes in heavy metal detoxification and uses gentle therapies to help eliminate heavy metals in the body. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Miranda for heavy metal assessment and detoxification.
Heavy Metals & Possible Sources:
Aluminum: aluminum foil, aluminum bakeware, aluminum cans, some spices, some antacids, deodorant / antiperspirant, air pollution, paint, dental composites
Antimony: batteries, pigments / dyes, adhesives, tobacco, some spices, drinking water, metalwork
Arsenic: drinking water, some spices / food, infant formula, pigments / dyes, wood treatment chemicals, pesticides / herbicides / insecticides, wine, beer, coal burning, seafood / shellfish, fruit juices
Barium: fireworks, some glass products, clay, plaster, ceramics, wood-working chemicals / solvents, cathode-ray tubes in some electronic devices, barium swallow for x-ray, petroleum products
Cadmium: cigarette smoking, air pollution, car exhaust, motor oil, shellfish, paint / pigments, ceramics, some plastics, herbicides / pesticides / fungicides, vintage glassware, some spices / food (e.g. chocolate), some batteries
Cobalt: seafood / shellfish, cigarette smoking, air pollution, car exhaust, herbicides / pesticides / fungicides, some joint replacement materials, some paints
Copper: copper pipes, copper cookware, some spices / food, swimming pool chemicals, excessive supplementation, drinking water, dental hardware, fungicides / pesticides, copper IUDs, some medications
*Note: the body requires a very small amount of copper to maintain normal functions in the body. Issues arise when too much copper builds up in the body.
Gold: dental hardware, some medications
Lead: fireworks, air pollution, lead pipes, bakeware / cookware, crystal glassware, pottery, gasoline, car exhaust, petroleum products, metal dental fillings, some spices / food, infant formula, personal care items (e.g. makeup), tattoos, some paints, antique toys, soil, clay, ceramics, some bullets, gunpowder, some batteries, pesticides / herbicides, cigarette smoking, hair dye, drinking water, contaminated supplements
Manganese: air pollution, jet fuel, drinking water (especially well water), ceramics, pottery, clay, paint, adhesives, some spices / food, infant formula, antiseptics, MRI contrast agents, fungicides / pesticides, personal care products (especially makeup), hair dye
Mercury: dental amalgams, car exhaust, food (e.g. seafood - tuna, shark, king mackerel, marlin, swordfish, tilefish, orange roughy, grouper, croaker, halibut, sea trout, amberjack, saltwater bass, lobster, shrimp, tilapia), mercury thermometers, broken LED lights, air pollution, vaccinations, personal care products (e.g. makeup, skin-lightening creams), paint, tattoos, wood treatments, high fructose corn syrup
Nickel: dental hardware / orthodontics, cigarette smoking, air pollution, petroleum products, some spices / food, seafood / shellfish, bakeware, personal care products (e.g. makeup, lotion), jewelry, some joint replacement materials / metal plates
Platinum: drinking water, some spices / food, adhesives, paint, ceramics
Silver: dental fillings / crowns, low quality colloidal silver supplements, photo development, herbicides / pesticides, window sealants, mirrors, cosmetics
Thallium: air pollution, drinking water, some spices / food, adhesives / glues, paint, ceramics, pottery, clay, batteries
Tin: bakeware / cookware, bullets, gunpowder, some spices / food, canned food, food additives, drinking water, paint, ceramics, pottery, clay, personal care items (e.g. makeup)
Titanium: dental hardware / implants, some spices / food, candy, gum, some medications, additives (e.g. titanium dioxide), drinking water, joint replacement / hardware material, paints, ceramics, clay, pottery